What is History ?

What is History ? (MCQs of Lucent GK Book)

1) What is History?

 – The study of the past is called history.

2) Where does the English word history originate from?

 – The English word ‘History’ is originated from the Greek word ‘historia’ meaning research, enquiry or investigation.

3) Who was the first real historian of the world?

 – The Greek historian Herodotus (484BC-425BC) was the first real history of the world.

4) Who wrote the book ‘The Histories’?

 – The Greek historian Herodotus wrote the book ‘The Histories’. It describes the background and events of the Graeco-Persian/Greek- Iranian Wars.

5) Who was called ‘The Father of History’?

 – The Greek historian Herodotus was called ‘The Father of History’. First of all the Roman philosopher Cicero called him ‘The Father of History’.

6) Who is Known as ‘The Father of Modern History’ ?

 – The German historian Leopold Von Ranke (1795-1886AD) is known as ‘The Father of Modern History’.

7) Who said ‘History repeats itself’ ? 

 – The German philosopher Hegel once said ‘History repeats itself’.

8) Who said “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce”? 

 – German economist and philosopher Karl Marx (1818-83AD) said “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce”.

9) According to whom “History is an unending dialogue between past and present.”

 – According to British historian E. H. Carr (1892-1982AD) “History is an unending dialogue between past and present.”

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